After continued use of topical steroids, Dovebet in particular my dermatologist recommended starting a new treatment, Methotrexate. Methotrexate is an immunosuppressant, originally used for the treatment of cancer to reduce the growth of tumours. It has an incredibly long list of nasty side effects but the dose is only to be taken once a week and anyone with psoriasis knows exactly how frustrating it is having to apply greasy creams and ointments numerous times a day, as well as having to throw out clothing and bedding because you just cant wash the products out. As explained in previous posts I was in a terrible way, so the potential to clear my psoriasis with no greasy creams and only having to take a few tablets one day a week I decided to go ahead.
I started on a dose of 5mg, which is two tablets it was then increased every 4 weeks by 5mg, as it is such a strong drug, blood tests are needed before and during the course to make sure my liver is functioning as it should and my blood cell counts are all normal. I don't mind getting blood taken but the first few weeks were a bit intensive, I didn't faint as I have done in the past so I was quite happy with myself. The last time I went to my dermatologist he upped my dose from 15mg to 25mg which is the maximum dose they can prescribe.
Unfortunately Methotrexate takes time to build up in your system and have a positive effect, unfortunately that isn't the case with the side effects. It was very frustrating seeing no change in my skin but suffering terribly vomiting, nausea and being so lethargic that it is a battle every morning getting out of bed! They were the only two side effects a really suffered from, apart from sores in my mouth but they typically went after a couple of days so didn't bother me to much. I have been prescribed Anti-sickness medication now and touch would that seems to have put the whole nausea and vomiting to bed for good!
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